设计理念是客户对于北欧风格的理解与钟爱,以及对我们的信任,结合客户一家人的需求,我们仔细推敲多次修改,重新梳理并改造,只为客户的入住体验感。在玄关处新砌墙体只为为客户做出一个鞋帽柜,封砌北阳台,做淋浴间,设计玻璃砖,与厨房隔断,既有采光也有美观性。主卧打掉窗户做移门,增强采光和通风,方便进入阳台。实现小户型的卫生间干湿分离。越小的户型收纳越重要, 竟可能多的设计柜体方便储物,为客户的未来考虑。
玻璃砖既具备墙的实体,又具备窗的通透,更多的还有透光、隔音、防火等,可谓一举多得。 Vitreous brick has the entity of the wall already, have a window again connect fully, more still have pervious to light, sound insulation, fire prevention to wait, it may be said kill many birds with one stone.
家具的选择上采用了温柔灰色,搭配白色的床品,达到简洁时尚现代的效果。背景墙贴灰色壁布,时尚中多加了一份优雅。 On the choice of furniture used gentle gray, the bed that tie-in white is tasted, achieve concise and fashionable and contemporary effect. Background wall is stuck gray mural cloth, vogue added grace.
爱马仕橙的加入为整体空间注入了温暖和安心。 The addition of Hermes Orange brings warmth and peace of mind to the whole space.