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3876 2020-09-23T19:11:21 22
设计师: 李银

设计理念是客户对于北欧风格的理解与钟爱,以及对我们的信任,结合客户一家人的需求,我们仔细推敲多次修改,重新梳理并改造,只为客户的入住体验感。在玄关处新砌墙体只为为客户做出一个鞋帽柜,封砌北阳台,做淋浴间,设计玻璃砖,与厨房隔断,既有采光也有美观性。主卧打掉窗户做移门,增强采光和通风,方便进入阳台。实现小户型的卫生间干湿分离。越小的户型收纳越重要, 竟可能多的设计柜体方便储物,为客户的未来考虑。

The grey carpet of Boreal Europe wind holds the coriaceous sofa of black just about, promote the quality feeling of whole space.

北欧风的灰白色地毯恰好承托黑色的皮质沙发,提升整个空间的品质感。 The grey carpet of Boreal Europe wind holds the coriaceous sofa of black just about, promote the quality feeling of whole space.

In the simple and gentle space, the guest restaurant is the first stop of the writer, reflecting the support of the couple along the way, the whole white and black, with gray. Make each other a close a complementary personality blend, the achievement of a long period of quiet and beautiful life.

在简约柔美的空间中,将客餐厅当作家的第一站,体现夫妻两人一路走来的扶持相伴,整体白色与黑色,搭配灰色。使彼此一收一放的互补个性揉合呈现,成就一段细水长流的恬淡美好生活。 In the simple and gentle space, the guest restaurant is the first stop of the writer, reflecting the support of the couple along the way, the whole white and black, with gray. Make each other a close a complementary personality blend, the achievement of a long period of quiet and beautiful life.

Continued the overall space, using ivory + white as the main color, without too much trival decoration, the whole gives people a feeling of plain and quiet, outline a harmonious and quiet kitchen space.

延续了整体空间,采用了象牙白+白色为主色调,没有过多繁琐的装饰,整体给人一种质朴静谧的感觉,勾勒出和谐安静的厨房空间。 Continued the overall space, using ivory + white as the main color, without too much trival decoration, the whole gives people a feeling of plain and quiet, outline a harmonious and quiet kitchen space.

免责声明:A963设计网作品由网站注册会员发表,本网站对其作品的版权未作证实,对作品的原创性、真实性不作保证,也不承担由此产生的法律责任。未经本网站及作者授权,请勿转载。如对作品版权有疑议,请及时与我们电话联系:0755-83869208 QQ:4000168963
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