This is a high-end hair salon in suzhou. New design thinking interprets the French style. Passing through some red and black archways, what comes to you is soft and dark red velvet wall. The black cloud wallpaper and gold components move through the space structure like clouds. The classic red and black of ferrari are dissolved in some golden and blue space. At present, modern and light luxury French style caters to the self, the publicity of the city nouveau riche.
Red-black archway cover is arranged meticulously in metope partition wall. Every step you can see different sceneries. Strong sense of space rhythm and sense of septh combine the virtual and the real orderly. Through the laminated glass, the red light dyed blue floor tiles of water bar, golden furniture and carved wood veneer. The space is sending out the modern of yuppie and delicate temperament. Roman pillars and logo elements carved on the ground make the brand deep in mind.
The layout is the combination of free seats and VIP special room. Business people can sit in private rooms, quiet and private, and they can deal with business matters in the water bar area. At the same time, it increases the quantity of saloon high customer unit price.
Using blue impressionism style floor tile to form soft modelling after waterjet processing, its rhythm send out romantic tender feelings and made up the expensive cost of marble. Electroplate aureate stainless steel modelling on the black wood act the role of a peacock spreading its tail, elegant and luxurious. The black carved wood veneer is inlaid with Roman column door cover. Its architectural rhythm is beautiful. The dark cloud wallpaper and velour fabric are at moderate cost. Their soft character and the hard atmosphere space act in cooperation with each other