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K Style Lab韩国时装店室内设计

14860 2017-06-28T15:06:58 12
设计机构: ED Design
K Style Lab韩国时装店室内设计说明:







K-Style Lab座落于香港购物黄地段铜锣湾时代广场,在香港正式登场,目的是将韩国高级时尚服饰引进香港。


- 室内设计

店内风格简约,但亦不失当代的魅力。犹如一场崭新的革命,带领着前卫的韩国服饰进驻此店。时尚亮丽的服饰陈设,就像模特儿走在天桥上般轻松自如, 却彰显出时尚人士的风范。

- 店面设计

简约时尚店面刻意地特出闪耀的KSTYLE LAB品牌标志。店面采用银灰色私主调,目的是要与隔壁品牌传统的透明玻璃橱窗形成强烈对比,显露着别具一格的精髓,开放式的设计亦为店内如时装表演般精彩的服饰陈列揭开序幕。

- 家具特色



Services: Interior Design & Build

Programme: Fashion Retail
Brand: K-Style Lab
Location: Shop 408, Time Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Design Period: November 2016
Date of Completion: Decemeber 2016
Design Lead: Edward Lau + Glenna Siu


The shop is located in Time Square, Causeway Bay. Causeway Bay is known as the main shopping hub of Hong Kong. K- Style’s goal is to exhibit high-end Korea Fashion to the Hong Kong public.


Design Ideas:

Our designers has a minimalist and contemporary approach which matches the aesthetic approach with the Store owner. The main color of the Store is grey which provides a cool tone. The clothing racks are all placed along the walls that creates an easy, exhibition like circulation and experience for the customer. The benches at the center allows customer to sit and view the clothing or the jewelry table in the middle. Our designers want to celebrate renowned Korean fashion designers.


-Store Front Design

The Stop Front features a minimal light-up logo of K-Style. The overall design of the space is very minimal because the focus are on the clothes. The Store Front has a grey metallic finish that has a great contrast to the transparent glass store front next door, Bally. Instead of having a store front like a typical glass and glass door approach, K-Style lab open up the space with no threshold from the department store into the stop. This unique approach provides a comfortable opening to customers and draws people in.


-Furniture Detail

Simple Rope ladder hangs from the ceiling in the far back of the store to design he handbags in a unique way. The clothing racks for custom made for the store. The clothing rack are designed like a simple Jewelry box that opens up into a nice display shelf for the clothes and the designer info. The long table in the middle of the store displays jewelry with benches on the side to provide customers a comfortable and relaxing way to try on jewelry displayed in front of them.



Lighting Design

Hanging Spotlights are installed on the celling that shines directly on the clothing and info board to exhibit products and information like an exhibition.

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