我們的客戶美式漢堡店主希望能將工業風帶入新店之中,所以我們用了大量粗獷的木材和金屬桌椅去幫忙營造這種感覺。 作為裝飾,我們刻意把連接燈飾的鐵管外露並塗上黃色或藍色的油漆,令整個設計更有生氣。為了令餐廳的設計更加突出,我們由面向入口的牆身入手,並以手繪塗鴉特色牆令鬼馬版漢堡包主題更為突出。特別訂製的可折疊式窗戶及吧台充分利用了外面公園的景色並加深了紐約的休閒風格。
選用黃色,藍色,灰色作為室內空間主色調; 店內地板用上灰色油漆並使用技術令油漆擁有不同質地令本來平平無奇的地板更有一番風味。藍色及黃色的小細節圍繞整著店面,不同的細節令餐廳有特色又不失風格。店外的門面使用與店內相約的風格令整個設計更統一但店內較為簡約,招牌的字體和顔色選擇與底色非常配合加上在招牌背後的橙色燈光可以人吸引途人的目光以招倈顧客光顧。
Services: Interior Design and Project Administration
Programme: Commercial (Restaurant)
Area: 55 sqm2
Location: Full Yau Court, 37-51 Yau San St, Yuen Long Town, New Territories, Hong Kong
Design Period: April 2016
Date of Completion: May 2016
In order to create an American burger restaurant and bar with an industrial atmosphere, a lot of wood and metal furniture and decorations have been used. We have chosen bright yellow, blue and grey as the main colour scheme to balance out dark colours from the wooden tables and chairs, lightening up the space. The vibrant graffiti is visible as soon as we enter the restaurant, reminding us of the streets of America where burgers originally came from whilst giving the customers a strong visual impact. As to maximise the L-shape setting, foldable windows have been installed to utilise the daylight and the beautiful views of the park outside.
Although the walls, flooring and ceiling are all in grey, but we have tried to mimic the rough texture in industrial settings by using textured flooring. The sides of the machines are painted in yellow to again lighten up the ceiling. Metal decorations around the space strengthen the industrial setting we would like to create. The font and colours on the signs of the restaurant name matches perfectly with the industrial theme. The orange lighting on the border of the sign not only attracts the attentions from pedestrians but also has its practical side at night.
The balance of colours, graphics and settings around the interior and exterior helps to increase its coziness which makes it a nice place to chill out for teenagers/youngsters in Yuen Long during the day. The restaurant gives a different ambient to the surrounding neighbourhood, this area tends to have classic Chinese cuisine or modern Asian cuisine. Therefore we believe that the uniqueness of our design has successfully made the restaurant stand out from the crowd.