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13720 2021-01-21T18:04:40 32 [佳作]
设计师: 梁飞

原舍 · 怀谷藏于莫干山的山谷中,意为走进山里,回归初心。全新的X-living设计理念将空间、建筑设计和景观融为一体,包含了多种社群的居住模式,满足情侣、艺术家、背包客等不同人群的居住需求。绵延的线条与包裹了整幢建筑的流水一同构成了怀谷设计主题中的“延伸”这一概念。用玻璃砖替换墙面,让光在厅堂延伸;建在水上的沙发卡座,让水在脚下延伸;局部的拆除处理,让景在室内延伸。致敬安藤忠雄的“光之教堂”,“怀谷”建筑仅仅是人与自然的一个媒介,让居住于此的人能够直观立体的感受大自然的存在。当空间的边界被消除,时间的速度被放慢,视野中的一切都仿佛附上了一层温暖且柔软的滤镜,洗去精神上的疲惫与心酸。“怀谷”的酒吧更是延续了旅人对旅途的幻想。穹顶之上,均匀、细腻且如水波般凹凸不平的反光材料令来客在沐浴灯光的同时,无需抬头便可看见穹顶上那“流动”的河流正随着他的步伐闪着粼粼的波光,引领着他们与这一路的风尘共饮,就着时光下酒。而卧房中,设计师并没有留下过多的装饰,而是抱持着对自然与原始的尊重,打造了一个个质朴而清新的空间。裸露的结构还原了空间本质的美好,也让室内外的风格更加轻巧的融合在了一起,给予来客一个更加深远,且美妙的睡眠。

The Chinese name of Orieco Club Huaigu, nestled in the valley of the Moganshan Mountain, represents a desire to rediscover one’s beginner’s mind in the seclusion of a mountain dwelling. The innovative “X-living” philosophy melds space, architectural design and landscaping into a whole to accommodate the needs of different groups: lovers, artists and backpackers, etc. The extending lines and the flowing water encircling the whole structure echo the theme of the design, “extension”. Conventional bricks are replaced by glass ones for light to extend unobstructed in the hall; sofa booths are placed above water which extends under the feet; parts of the structure are dismantles so that landscape outside extends to the inside. In homage to Ando Tadao’s Church of the Light, “Huaigu” is conceived as a medium between man and nature for the dwellers to experience the presence of nature in a direct and multi-layered manner. Boundaries are broken, and time slowed down. Everything in sight seems to be softened by a diffusion filter to soothe the mental wear and tear. The “Huaigu” Bar is yet another extension: extension of a wanderer’s fantasy about journey. The smooth, delicate and rippling reflective material of the ceiling bathes the visitor in light. Without looking up, he can appreciate the rippling and sparkling of the “flowing river” above, which calls to mind the flow of time, experience and remembrances. The bedroom is sparsely adorned in the spirit of pristine nature to create simple and refreshing spaces. The exposed beams and columns accentuate the architectonic beauty of the structure, and ingeniously unify the styles of the exterior and the interior to lull the visitor into a sweep and sound sleep.







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